Harmonices Mundi - The Harmony of the World - Die Weltharmonik



"Harmonices Mundi[1] (Latin: The Harmony of the World, 1619) is a book by Johannes Kepler. In the work Kepler discusses harmony and congruence in geometrical forms and physical phenomena. The final section of the work relates his discovery of the so-called 'third law of planetary motion'." (Wikipedia, accessed on Dec. 28th, 2016)


I'm a semi-professional photographer specializing in fine art land and waterscape photography. I can't draw, but release the shutter, sometimes (I suppose), and I'm looking for the harmony of the world, sometimes (I suppose)...  


Anyway, I've been fascinated with nature, especially sea and landscapes, all my life, and how it relates to personal feelings, atmosphere and moods. Got my first camera around the age of ten. Therefore, artistic land and waterscape photography has always been a favorite subject, also viewing landscape paintings (e.g., created by Caspar David Friedrich or William Turner). Already as a youngster I got interested in the work of Friedrich (CDF), especially by his masterpiece "Der Morgen" (The Morning"), I remember:

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caspar_David_Friedrich#/media/File:Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Tageszeitenzyklus,_Der_Morgen_(1821-22).jpg (accessed on 07.01.2017)

However, I'm much interested in other genres of photography as well. For the last ten years I have primarily used digital SLR cameras, though still employing and developing (b&w 35 mm) film occasionally.


True to myself until today:


"I'm learning to see.
I don't know what it's about, but everything is entering me at a deeper level and doesn't stop where it used to.
There's a place within me that I wasn't aware of.
What's going on there I don't know."
(Rainer Maria Rilke)


"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed."

(Albert Einstein)


According to Harald Mante, Retired Professor of Photography at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, some main principles have significantly been impacting my work so far, I think: experience, good concepts and coincidence (trusting to chance).
Any image can be evaluated at two different levels: firstly, regarding content and message (rational recognition and emotional reaction) and, secondly, quality of composition and design (including arrangement of image elements and color management, tones etc.). The content of an image is chiefly evaluated by the viewer whether it conveys a certain information or not and according to his or her interest in this information.
In order to create good image contents, experience, good concepts comprising creative, original, innovative ideas and / or sheer coincidences (trusting to chance) are required. Remarkably enough image contents can yet be recognized even if a poor technique or composition has been applied to the image. Therefore, a good technique and composition are primarily required to facilitate and support the recognition process.


On this website you'll find and hopefully enjoy most of my recent work (approx. originated between 2010 - today).


You can find my work, too, on further www sites, e.g., at on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/volker.birke (that is, in part images also taken prior to 2010):














Thanks a million to everyone for stopping by and your interest in my work! 


If you had any question etc., please get in touch by using the contact form here or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/volker.birke.


Buona visione!




"Am 8. März des Jahres 1618, wenn man die genauen Zeitangaben wünscht, ist sie in meinem Kopf aufgetaucht... Ich hatte aber keine glückliche Hand, als ich sie der Rechnung unterzog, und verwarf sie als falsch. Schließlich kam sie am 15. Mai wieder und besiegte in einem neuen Anlauf die Finsternis meines Geistes, wobei sich zwischen meiner siebzehnjährigen Arbeit an den Tychonischen Beobachtungen und meiner gegenwärtigen Überlegung eine so treffliche Übereinstimmung ergab, daß ich zunächst glaubte, ich hätte geträumt und das Gesuchte in den Beweisunterlagen vorausgesetzt.
Allein es ist ganz sicher und stimmt vollkommen, daß die Proportion, die zwischen den Umlaufszeiten irgend zweier Planeten besteht, genau das Anderthalbfache der Proportion der mittleren Abstände, d. h. der Bahnen selber, ist." 

Johannes Kepler, Harmonices Mundi, 1619



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© Volker Birke Photography